
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Best Curling Wand Review

So, I totally wanted to get my hair to look like all those super models on Pinterest with their amazing perfect curls. And I know the trick is to use a curling wand. Not a curling iron. For those of you who don't know, a curling wand is like an iron but without the clamp on it. It's fantastic for getting a perfect curl. But where do I go? What should I buy? There's like 5 billion curling wands out there. So I did a lot of research and asked a few of my professional friends what they like. I ended up buying two.

I bought it because, it was listed as the number one seller on Amazon, had over 1500 reviews, and a four star rating, and it's 20 bucks! Can't go wrong there. You would think for the price, it would be crap. But I LOVE it!

(Ps) this is a side by side of me with and without makeup.. Make up is amazing!)

Sorry for all the instagram selfies, I'm just trying to show the curls! But I LOVE using this wand because it heats up really hot, really fast, so be careful when you use it to not burn yourself. It literally takes like 15 min max to do my hair and my hair is really really long, so if your hair is shorter it would take less.
So, I really like this wand, but I also wanted one for big loose waves. You know, VS model hair.. I tried a Bedhead one, this one, to be exact.
I'm not going to link to this one, because it is COMPLETE CRAP! Do NOT buy it. It does not get near hot enough and my hair took an hour to do my hair and it looked like garbage! I had to put it in a ponytail. What a waste! I took it back the next day!! And, I am a Bed Head fan! I have a curling iron from them that I love! This was just a disappointment.

I traded that Bed Head one on for this Hot Tools one. 

I LOVE it!!! It is phenomenal and I recommend it to everyone that wants that luscious beach wave look! It gets really hot, the curling goes fast and your hair looks amazing! And because it gets so hot the curl stays! My hair never holds curl, but with these two it totally does. Btw, I don't even use any product on my hair, like ever. None. So I'm sure it would hold perfectly for like 2 days if you used hairspray too! This is worth the money folks! I bought mine at Ulta, it was 45 dollars there. This price, on Amazon, is the cheapest I've seen it! So, get it there. Click on the image and it will take you right to it. You won't regret it!

Here is what my hair looks like with the Hot Tools, one inch wand!

A little blonde vs ombre comparison.

Don't take yourself too serious guys... This is the real me.

Me and the tiny dog.

Fake me.
Fake me. 

Fake me. (Practicing my Kim K. face.)
Nailed it! (Still fake me.)

The real me...
And.. My real life!
Mismatched baby clothes, tongues out, someone crying, Legos and all!

Xoxo, Janean

Monday, January 20, 2014

Polar Vortex

Or should I say, Polar Vortex? Over Christmas we went to visit my family in Utah. It literally blew my mind how we only needed to drive 10 hrs (well it took us like 800 with 2 small kids and a baby) and we were transported to a winter wonderland. The temperature difference is astounding, and it's really only a day away. If it weren't for us going there and actually seeing the snow, and the iceberg that used to be my parents driveway, I just wouldn't believe it. California may have a lot of crazy things about it, but the dreamy weather, ain't one!
Utah! So.. If its called a selfie when you take a pic alone.. What would you call two people?? Because whatever it is, we took a ton of those too! Sister time, is trouble. Side note, you can look me up on the insta, janeanslife2. 
Well, I was really excited to be there and wear my winter wardrobe, I never get to break out here. I have a Northface jacket, that I really only wear like once a year here. If that. But I was also really excited to get back! Today, we went to the park and the pool... I know, I'm a horrible person for what I'm about to show you...

Hope you had a great Saturday! Xoxo

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Ombre Hair Trend

The ombre hair trend. Is it over? I say, not. I am a new mom to three boys, and I live 10 hrs away from my most trusted hair Dr. (Aka high school bestie turned hair master.) That being said, I never get to see  her and my hair is the one who suffers. I know roots are sorta in, but idk, sometimes I just get kinda bored of being blonde. So, I asked for a changed, and we ombred the crap outta my hair. Whatever that means.

Which brings me to my next topic... The curls! Stay tuned. 
Also, as a kind of ps. It's been like 85 degrees this week! What the crap?! Granted, my kids are in heaven and this IS San Diego, but come on, cut a girl some slack! I DID just have a baby! Working out?! Ain't nobody got time for that! It's January! I'm supposed to be wearing my winter coat and still participating in "no shave November" Right?! Not squeezing my post pregnancy, glowing white body into a swimsuit. ANYWAY...I guess it could be worse, like a polar vortex, or no clean drinking water. But whatever. 

Xoxo, Janean