
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hump Day Inspiration

Today is all about creative ways to use everyday things.
All of these ideas I found on Pinterest.
Above is using an empty frame and some hooks, painting them white and storing jewelry.
Gorgeous idea.

Teacups and saucers for lights???
Um, can we say genius?

People never cease to amaze me with their creativity.
Some tennis rackets turned into mirrors.
Perfect for a boys room.

What a lovely effect molding can have... on everything.
This is such a beautiful result from something so simple.

And last, but not least, I mean, how can a tutu table ever be least??!
This is such a great and easy idea for a little girls room.
A huge impact for just a little money (when you DIY.)
Im sure you could find a table and lamp like this at a garage sale for about $10.
And tulle, well thats always cheap.
Wouldnt this look lovely with one of those rosette lamp shades??
Hope this inspires you as much as it does me! Get crafting friends!

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