Monday, October 15, 2012

Adult Tutu Tutorial Peacock Costume

Last year for Halloween, I was a witch and made myself a tutu for that.

It was so easy and has been so popular among readers that I have decided that this year, I will be a Peacock and upgrade my witch tutu by adding more tulle in different colors.

I added 4 yrds of blue, 3 of green, and 2 of the plum. I chose these colors based off of a Peacock feather. I just went to the flower section of Joanns and held it up to the tulle colors.

 They didnt have all the exact colors I wanted, but paired with the 4 yrds of black and 4yrds of purple that were already on the tutu I think it turned out great! Tulle is about $1.49/yd and you can buy all the supplies you need at Joanns, including the elastic for the waistband.
I made the back longer, trying to emulate a peacock tail. The blue is the longest and green on top of that. The blue is about 27inches long (54 inches, folded in half) and the green, a few inches shorter.

 I will be adding a few feathers to the back and am wearing blue tights and a blue shirt with sparkly sequin shoulders. I am also adding my light brown leather flats that I got on sale from Urban Outfitters, to give it a bird foot look. I am also going to be wearing my lace mask I made. Im not quite sure how Im going to do my hair yet, but I think it will be up and I will probably make some fancy feather clip or something! I will keep you posted!

 Let me know if you have any construction questions in the comments, or check out my witch tutu tutorial. I will respond! Hope this helps anyone out there with adult tutu tutorial questions!
xoxo, Janean

With all the popularity this post is receiving, I have found a few of my favorite and affordable tutus online, you can check out my selction here.

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  1. good idea and this skirt is so prettyyyyy!

  2. Yay!! I'm so excited I found this tutorial!! I'm making a tutu costume this year and wanted a really full tutu!! Gorgeous!!!

  3. I'm so excited I found this. I am planning on making a peacock tutorial this year. For a fuller tutu how many yards in total of tulle do you recommend I buy including the part for the long tail.

    1. For this I used about 17 yards in total. It is very full. Try to use your coupons if you're going to Joann's. thanks and good luck!! Xoxo

  4. how long was the front part? I am making a red tutu for my minnie mouse and i don't want my lady bits out! THANKS! :)

    1. Mine was 12-18 inches, the strips were varying lengths. But you're worried about hanging out, I would go with 18-24 inches. I would also recommend leggings or spandex. Espesh for a Minnie costume, since her legs are black anyway. Xoxo.

  5. Thank you for your tutorial. I'm going to a masquerade ball and would love for this to accompany my mask and corset. :) where can one find Joanne fabric coupons?

    1. should be beautiful!! you can get the coupons when you sign up for them in the store. buuuut they are also on the website! bonus! you can just print it off and take it in., i just googled "get joanns coupons" and a link came up in the search that took me right to the coupon page. here is the link.{ifm&gclid=CKq7ppiEmbMCFeGDQgod0DoAbg

      *copy and paste??

    2. Thank you! I found a JoAnn's app for my iPhone with coupons I was able to use from there. About to start my tutu. Pretty excited. :)

  6. could you give me a link to how this is actually constructed? :) Thanks!

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