Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Perfect Summer Smoothie Recipe

Nothing says summer like breaking out the blender. My kid was requesting some strawberry banana. That's not my favorite flavor, so I mixed in a little pineapple to make it more up my alley. I used about an 1/8 of a pineapple, 5 large strawberries and a whole banana. Seeing that I had just been to the local Henry's (love that place) I had plenty of produce on hand. Some of it was starting to get ripe. A smoothie is a perfect option to get great use out of a lot of produce. I like my kids to get fruits and veggies, but they don't always want to eat them. Juicing and smoothies are ideal for them to get some vitamin intake. In a fun and quick way. They feel like they are getting a special treat. I threw in some organic rice milk and ice to thicken it up.


It was delicious, healthy, vitamin packed and best of all, easy. Seconds were for sure requested!

Welcome to town Summer.

Xoxo, Janean

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